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Texas Wesleyan encourages every professor to incorporate the use of Blackboard into their course(s). A Blackboard course is automatically created for every class at Texas Wesleyan University.

Instructors use Blackboard to post and distribute course content like syllabi and handouts, to communicate with students and to assess student learning through quizzes and online assignments. Blackboard also offers online tutorials for all users. 

Blackboard is used to support the following course formats (e-learning definitions provided by Online Learning Consortium).

Classroom course Course activity is organized around scheduled class meetings.
Synchronous Distributed Course Web-based technologies are used to extend classroom lectures and other activities to students at remote sites in real time.
Web-Enhanced Course Online course activity complements class sessions without reducing the number of required class meetings.
Blended (also called Hybrid) Classroom Course Online activity is mixed with classroom meetings, replacing a significant percentage, but not all required face-to-face instructional activities.
Blended (also called Hybrid) Online Course Most course activity is done online, but there are some required face-to-face instructional activities, such as lectures, discussions, labs, or other in-person learning activities.
Online Course All course activity is done online; there are no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no requirements for on-campus activity.
Flexible Mode Course Offers multiple delivery modes so that students can choose which delivery mode(s) to use for instructional and other learning purposes.

If you would like additional help in learning about Blackboard set up an individual consultation with the CETL staff.