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How to build a strong LinkedIn profile for your job search

07.01.2014 | By:

Social media isn't just for keeping up with your friends anymore — it can also help you land a job. Here are a few tips for using LinkedIn that could help you make the right connections.

Use keywords in your summary statement

Many employers search by keyword, so use keywords—technical terms and skills—from your field. Not sure what your best keywords are? Find profiles of people who hold the job you’d like to get and see which keywords they use.

Write brief text

Describe your skills and abilities in short bursts of keyword-rich text. Use bullets to separate information.

List all your experience

LinkedIn, like other social media, helps you connect with former colleagues and networking contacts who may be able to help you find a job opportunity. It also gives an employer searching to fill a job a description of your expertise.

Ask for recommendations

Collect a recommendation or two from someone at each of the organizations where you’ve worked. Don’t forget to get recommendations for internships you’ve completed.

Refresh your news

Update your status about major projects you’ve completed, books you’re reading and professional successes you’ve had, at least once a week. This lets your professional contacts know what you are doing and serves as a sign of activity for potential employers.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.