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Wednesday Wisdom from the ASC: How to start prepping for finals now

11.07.2017 | By:
stressed student studying with books and coffee cups

Hard to believe that we are down to 3 weeks of classes for this semester. The crunchtime of finals will be here before we know it. By starting some preparation now, you can help reduce stress during finals.

Five ways to start prepping for finals now

  1. Get a finals schedule and map out when your finals are.
  2. Find out if your finals are cumulative and the format of the test. You can take a look at your syllabus or ask your professor.
  3. If your exam is cumulative, locate all of your old tests and quizzes. Spend some time reviewing your mistakes.
  4. Make an appointment with a tutor to go over confusing course content.
  5. Attend the Finals Edition: Test Taking & Anxiety workshop at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28 in the Science Lecture Hall.

Start developing your game plan for conquering finals now. For additional assistance, visit the Academic Success Center.