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Know which credits transfer – before you apply

01.29.2018 | By:
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What’s one of the hardest things about transferring schools? Transferring your credits. That’s why at Texas Wesleyan, we can help you figure that out before you even submit your application. We’re all about transparency and making sure you’re getting the most bang (or classes) for your buck. Here’s how it works.

1. Let us know you’re interested

Submit an info form, give us a call or shoot us an email – dealer’s choice. We’ll pair you with a counselor that knows everything there is to know about transferring from your college to TXWES. They’re ready to answer all of your hard questions.

2. Send us your UNofficial transcript

Next step, send us your unofficial transcripts. We’ll plug them into a worksheet that shows you exactly how the classes you’ve taken will transfer at Texas Wesleyan. We’re talking class for class, people.

Keep in mind, after you submit an application, some things could change slightly once we get your official transcript.

3. Graduate from TXWES sooner

Since you know which credits transfer, we can help you figure out exactly how many credit hours you have left until you graduate. No waiting. No wondering. You’ll know. And you haven’t even submitted your application yet. We’ll just let that sink in for a moment.

Doesn’t that sound like a sweet deal? We think you’ll thrive in our small classes with teachers who care about you. See if TXWES is the right fit for you. Get in touch with us today and get all your questions answered.

Fill out our info form today. Or better yet, go ahead and apply.

Submit your info to Texas Wesleyan University