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Spring cleaning for your mind

05.01.2018 | By:
Blue Zones Project

As we head into May and celebrate the end of Spring semester and graduation, we can also celebrate and be mindful that May is a time for Mental Health Awareness.  Just as we spring clean our house, this can be a great time to downshift and spring clean our mental health by focusing on personal and emotional improvements.

Here are some helpful tips for spring cleaning your mind and improving your overall mental health and outlook on life:

  • Make purge and add lists - Identify and eliminate or purge negative feelings; add positive thoughts and feelings you want more of in your life.
  • Embrace change - Welcome change and step away from comfort and familiarity to promote growth and renewal
  • Stop procrastinating - Be active and assertive in eliminating your to-do list to get things off your mind and increase productivity.
  • Be positive and happy - You can't be happy all of the time, but you can do things to help you feel happy most of the time such as looking at things in a positive light.
  • Laugh out loud every day - Part of looking at the bright side of life is being able to find humor.
  • Exercise your body, improve your mind - Physical exercise helps with cleaning your mind of things that have been emotionally weighing on them.

Click here to down the full article, Spring Cleaning for Your Mind.

For employees, as part of the benefits package, you can find similar resources through our EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Guidance Resources.