There are many support services available to graduate students. Don't delay, take advantage of the free resources early in your semester.
Contact the graduate writing tutor
Just want help with writing? Click the link "Submit my Essay."
Have a question but don't need a whole session? Submit your questions to the tutors by clicking the link "Submit A Question" and a tutor will respond within 24 hours (1 business day).
Don't forget to cancel any appointments that you are not able to attend.
Contact the ASC or call 817-531-4219 for questions.
Check out some quick videos for more information.
- How to schedule an appointment
- Drop-in Tutoring
- How to prepare for your appointment
- How to use writing feedback
- How to use the whiteboard
Log in to Infobase Learning Cloud
How does it work?
Access Infobase Learning Cloud for online tutorials that can help you be successful in your courses. To create your free account, log in using your TXWES login credentials.
How does it help?
Hoonuit helps with many different topics and issues related to studying, higher education and online learning.
Some sample tutorials include:
- Distracting Destinations: Productivity App & Strategies for Online Learners
- Completing your FAFSA
- Being an Effective Online Student
- Excel 2016
- Blackboard
Log in to Grammarly
How it works:
Go to and use your TXWES login credentials to create your free account.
Users are able to copy and paste directly to the Grammarly website for checking or upload certain types of documents for Grammarly to check. It then shows errors and makes recommendations for review.
How it helps:
Grammarly is a program that inspects your writing and looks for errors in grammar, spelling and plagiarism. It also suggests changes in word choice and synonyms to enhance your work and avoid repetition in vocabulary.
Check out the ASC website
How does it work?
Go to Academic Success Center and check out our study tips section.
How does it help?
The Academic Success Center website contains study tips and resources that are dedicated to online students to help you improve your study skills, writing skills and online course skills.
Some sample topics include:
- Distance Learning Self-Assessment Quiz
- Ten Tips for Online Success
- Communication with Professors