English 4399—Special Topics, Adolescent Literature
Wesleyan Scholars Program 1301: The Rhetoric of Popular Culture
Ph.D. English, The University of New Mexico August 2008.
M.A. English, Texas A&M University
B.A. English and Spanish, Texas Tech University
Research Interests
My research focuses on feminist and indigenous rhetorics and pedagogies, rhetorical education and histories of rhetoric and composition. My current project addresses embodied writing and mindfulness practices in the classroom.
“Writing Stories: Archival Histories of Composition and Rhetoric in U.S. High Schools, 1961-1976,” History of Education Conference. St. Louis.
“Feminism(s), Rhetoric(s), and Writing(s): "Yogas" of the University Space,” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s). Tucson.
“Ethical Dilemmas in Digitizing and Disseminating Off-Reservation Indian School Materials,” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s). San Francisco.
“'But Didn't You Think My Website Looked Nice?': Confronting Paradox between What Students Hear and What Teachers Ask for in the Multimodal FYW Class,” CCCC. St. Louis.
“Raise Your Right Arm/And Pull on your Tongue!": Reading Silence(s) at the Albuquerque Indian School,” CCCC. Atlanta.
“Deep Learning Through Writing II,” Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Workshop. Fort Worth.
'A Necklace for Jason': Readership, Representation, and Healing in Albuquerque Indian School Short Fiction," South Central Modern Language Association. Fort Worth.
"The Spirit of History of Rhetoric: Creating New Concords and Controversies in Rhetorical History and Historiography,” Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America. Minneapolis.
“Albuquerque Indian School and Feminist Rhetorical History,” Brown Bag Presentation. Texas Wesleyan University. Fort Worth, TX.
“To Whom It May Concern:” History Writing, Disciplinary Bias, and The Albuquerque Indian School Creative Writing Project,” Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s). East Lansing.
“Reading the Writing: Native Scholars, Compositionists, and Albuquerque Indian School Students,” CCCC. San Francisco, CA.
“Recovery, Methodology, and Communal Exchange: Ethics and the Albuquerque Indian School Archive.” Native American Literature Symposium. Albuquerque.
“A Cautionary Tale: Evaluating The Efficacy Of Learning Communities For College Student Engagement.” Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts. Fort Worth.
“Through Fire and Flood” Archival (Re)construction and Albuquerque Indian School.” CCCC. New Orleans.
“Yoga, Postfeminism, and the Future” with Ariane Balizet. In Yoga and the Body: An Intersectional Analysis of Contemporary Body Politics, Mindfulness, and Embodied Social Change. Eds. Beth Berila, Melanie Klein, and Chelsea Jackson. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
“Raise Your Right Arm/And Pull on your Tongue!” Reading Silence(s) at the Albuquerque Indian School.” In the Archives of Composition: Writing and Rhetoric in High Schools and Normal Schools. Eds. Lori Ostergard, Jeffrey Ludwig, and Henrietta Rix. Southern Illinois UP, 2015.
"In, Through, and About the Archive: What Digitization (Dis)Allows" with Tarez Samra Graban and Alexis Ramsey. In Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Eds. Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson. U of Chicago P, 2014.