Ph.D. University of Oregon, Communication and Society
Certificate. University of Oregon, New Media and Culture
Research Focus
Journalism and newsroom culture
Visual communication
Media ethics
Credibility of information
Social media in the newsroom
Dean, J. (2019). "How Smartphones Have Changed the Job for Better and for Worse—The Experiences of Reporters." Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1582353
Dean, J. (2016). "A Case Study Examining How Reporters Deal with the Challenge of the Economy and Technology." Presented at AEJMC. Minneapolis, MN.
Dean, J. (2015). "The Role of the Reporter: A pilot study examining the relationship of reporter routines to technology." Presented at the What is Journalism Conference, Portland, OR.
Springer, N. Ryan, K., Mapaye-Chavez, J., & Dean, J. (2013). "Revisiting Content Analysis and the Study of Network News: A call for change in approach." Presented at The Broadcast Education Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Mapaye-Chavez, J., Dean, J., Ryan, K., and Springer, N. (2012). "Digital Flow: New Approaches to TV News Research in the Digital Age." Presented at the What is Television Conference. Portland, OR.