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Title III Advising

The Advising component of the Title III project works in coordination with the Provost, Deans, faculty and staff to modify the advising processes within the context of learning communities and new teaching strategies.

Advising strategies include:

  1. Working with Advocates on integrating a learning style assessment and providing support to students.
  2. Integrating a new student advising and tracking module: Datatel's E-Advising.
  3. Coordinating with Advising Services to create a University-wide advising process for freshmen and at-risk students.
  4. Creating a Faculty Advising Guide and a more robust Advising website for students, faculty and parents.
  5. Implementing a Faculty Advising Taskforce to address student advising and retention issues.
  6. Administering a Faculty Advising Survey on campus to assess the faculty view on advising and their training needs.
  7. Working with faculty and staff to address individual student advising issues.


E-advising empowers students with an online Course Planning Worksheet where they can plan courses for the next two terms. This worksheet can be electronically shared with advisors, eliminating the need for handwritten forms.

When students place a course on their worksheet, the course displays for the advisors to review and approve in Ramlink. Students can print their degree audit to quickly see which courses or hours are still needed in order to graduate.

When students place a course on a worksheet, they are only planning for it; however, the worksheet can be used to quickly search for available sections during the registration process for the upcoming semester.

Undergraduates students across the entire university with at least 24 hours worth of completed credits have access to E-Advising tools as of the Spring semester of 2011.

Student E-Advising Presentation

Interactive Student Training Videos:

Advising Process for Faculty Presentation

Interactive Faculty Training Video