Jennifer Oliver Henderson ’96 is the president and founder of J.O., a Fort Worth-based full-service marketing agency. She found success after graduating from Texas Wesleyan in the highly charged world of professional advertising.
At one point in her career, she returned to Texas Wesleyan to serve as the University’s art director and attributes the University in helping her grow professionally. She has continued working for TXWES in various capacities, often providing her services pro bono. Whether it’s developing a new logo, assisting with campaigns, or even telling her own story, Henderson’s body of work has helped others see the advantage of attending Texas Wesleyan.
Jennifer has always been a consistent contributor to the University and will be sponsoring an upcoming alumni event in Dallas at Brad Oldham Sculpture. We hope you will mark your calendar for Thursday, March 22, 5:30-7 p.m. for An Artful Evening with Brad Oldham. Brad Oldham, a 1989 TXWES graduate, is a nationally acclaimed sculptor. Attendees at this event will hear from Brad firsthand about his creations, take a workshop tour and will receive a TXWES gift crafted by Brad’s studio. If you’re interested in attending, register online today.