Katreeva Phillips ’11 wrote The Strange Case of Little Jekyll and Mr. Hate, a show geared toward younger audiences, loosely based on the story by Robert Louis Stevenson. The show was held at The Perry in Graham, Texas.
Joanne Oport ’06 was appointed by Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland to the Commission on African Affairs for a four-year term. The Commission advises the Governor and Executive Branch agencies on matters relating to the African community of Maryland, including those relating to economic, workforce and business development. She also serves on the Maryland Skilled Immigrant Task Force.
Paige Wilson ’13 MBA ’15 recently received her Master of Arts in Communication from The Johns Hopkins University
Debbie Brown ’78 will be performing in Santa Claus: A New Musical at Casa Manana from Nov. 25- Dec 23.
Perry Cockerell ’78 is running for Texas 5th Court of Appeals Place 12.
Drew Cavender ’13 and Kayla Mason ’12 were married on September 23, 2017 at the Eagle’s Bluff Country Club.
Do you have news to share? Email alumni@txwes.edu or call 817-531-6548 to let us know about your latest promotion, accomplishments, baby news, weddings and more!