Did you know that many Texas Wesleyan alumni are published authors? We love to highlight the successes of our alums and are featuring several TXWES writers over the coming weeks.
Jane Childers graduated from Texas Wesleyan with a degree in Education. She and her sisters recently wrote and published a memoir of their childhood entitled Pinned, Cut and Sewn Together. Because they were close in age, Jane and her sisters had a strong bond as children. As adults, they have maintained their love of each other and new adventures.
What is the synopsis of your book?
This is the story of three sisters who grew up in the 1950s and 60s in an outwardly perfect family. Inside our house, though, strife often prevailed. Unknown to us as children, other families also had struggles. Our story may be your story.
What was your biggest challenge you faced while writing this book?
A big challenge for us was the organization of three viewpoints and setting a time frame.
What are your memories of Texas Wesleyan?
I was a transfer student who was welcomed and helped onto the small east Fort Worth campus in the summer of 1969. My first class was Methods in Teaching Reading with Dr. Lindsay as the professor.
If you or a fellow alumnus has a published work, contact the alumni office at alumni@txwes.edu to be considered for future feature stories.