Raise your voice, pluck your strings or toot your own horn and be a part of the first-ever virtual performance of the Alma Mater. All students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the university are invited – join your RAMily in creating something special.
It happened while brainstorming ideas to showcase the music department virtually at a recent Board of Trustees meeting; lightning struck Dr. Paul Sikes, associate professor of music, who recognized what a great opportunity it could be to engage the whole campus community remotely in a unique way.
"I think it’s a wonderful way for us to add our collective voices together in a way that reminds us that we are not alone; we are part of the Wesleyan Family, a family who loves and supports each other even when we’re apart," noted Sikes.
New videos will be added to the mosaic as they're submitted, and the diversity that makes TXWES so special will continue to deepen and enrich the tune. Especially in uncertainty, we stand together. We are RAMily.
For music and instructions on how to participate, please email Janna McKinley at jrmckinley@txwes.edu.