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Additional Faculty Resources

We support faculty development by providing resources and professional growth opportunities to support teaching goals.

Resources for New Faculty

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is committed to supporting new faculty. In addition to the many services available to all faculty, the CETL offers the following resources for new faculty.

Blackboard Basics Training

A self-paced training course in Blackboard is available to help you become familiar with using Blackboard in your course. New faculty can be enrolled as students in the course. Contact for questions or more information.

CETL Book Library

The CETL's library contains several books on teaching and learning topics for faculty checkout. View the available books for checkout.

Seminar and Institutes
DateEvent Resources
2019 Learning Summit The Science of Learning...and Why It Matters--Josh Eyler, Ph.D.
2018 Summer Institute  Resources and References
2017 Fall Kickoff Equity and Excellence for all students: Metacognition is the Key
2016 Summer Institute Highlighting Faculty - Share Your Ideas
Course Workload Estimator

Use the Course Workload Estimator to estimate the rigor of your assignments.

Book Notes

Active learning doesn't always require reworking your syllabus. Read the book review for Hitting Pause and learn more on the effectiveness of using lecture breaks to activate student engagement with lecture material.

Book review for Hitting Pause

Image of book cover for Hitting Pause

Transparency in Learning and Teaching (T.I.L.T.)

Being transparent in teaching and learning means more than just delivering a great lesson. Students need help seeing what academic success looks like and how to achieve it. Create assignments that explicitly show students the process of the how and the what of learning.