Take care of your bills right here. Make a one-time payment or set up a payment plan. It's easy to do.
Whether you’re on campus or on the go, you can make a payment to your Texas Wesleyan account using one of the following options:
We offer the following online payment options:
If you have a student ID, log in to Ramlink to make a one-time payment and follow the instructions in our How to Make a Payment.
For cash or check payments only, please stop by our office. Cashier’s are located on the 3rd floor of the Oneal-Sells Administration Building.
For check payments:
Check payments can be mailed to the university.
Mail Checks to: |
Texas Wesleyan University |
Attn: Student Accounting Department |
1201 Wesleyan Street |
Fort Worth, TX 76105 |
The university offers two options for international payments.
Flywire - We have partnered with Flywire for international students to send payments to the university for tuition, fees, room and board charges. Flywire offers excellent foreign exchange rates and 24/7 support in many different languages. To make a payment go to flywire.com and select Texas Wesleyan University.
Please see the Flywire Instructions PDF document for additional information on how to make a payment.
Transact International Payments - Make your payment using the currency of your choice, using your international bank account or credit card with no international wire fees, right from the payment portal. Just login to Ramlink and go to "Make a student account payment".
Want to spread your payments out through the semester? Set up a payment plan for courses by following these easy instructions.
Need to know an estimate of what you would pay on the payment plan? Log into Ramlink and see the plan options available to you.
Have questions about your scholarships, grants or your financial aid package? Our counselors are here to help.