Student Employment Supervisors
Welcome, Student Employment Program Supervisors!
Please see below for more information on how to make this program amazing for our students.
Any other questions, comments or concerns can be emailed to the Office of Human Resources at
Please make sure that you are reviewing our Guidelines and Reminders Video: SEP V3.mp4
Here is a link to the most current SEP Supervisor Handbook:
Here is a link to the most current SEP Student Handbook:
Request to Rehire Form
- To request that changes be made to a student employee's position, or for returning seasonal students who have not been gone longer than a year, please submit a Student Employment Request to Rehire Form.
- The Human Resources Office will check the GPA and the student's conduct.
- Once the student has been approved, the Human Resources Office will email the supervisor when the student can begin work.
Personnel Action Form
- This form is used if a student needs to be paid additional compensation or retro-pay for a missed timesheet entry: Personnel Action Form.
Student Employment Mentoring Framework
- This form is used for end of the semester mentoring meetings. These should be submitted to Human Resources upon completation: Student Employment Mentoring Framework
- All job posting requests and hiring proposals are initiated in the PeopleAdmin applicant tracking system.
- Reference and step-by-step instruction can be found in the PeopleAdmin User Guide.
- To assist you in the hiring process, please review the following workflows:
To assist you in the interview and hiring process, please review the following guides:
Below are the quick links that you may need in regards to Federal Work-Study, Texas College Work-Study, or Grant funded positions.
SEP New Hiring Work-Study Workflow
SEP Rehire Work-Study Workflow